August 02, 2007

Track 2: 35W

I'm still trying to process the fact that a huge chunk of 35W is gone, collapsed into the river. When I first heard about it , I was at happy hour with a group of girlfriends. Angela's husband Nick was the first to call, and then we could hear cell phones ringing all over the patio. Debbie thought Jake may have been on that road on his way home from work, and until she got him on the phone (it took a couple tries, what with the cell phone networks being jammed), I don't think any of us breathed. I can still see the look on her face, and I remember the sick feeling in my stomach. I couldn't stop thinking about all the people I knew that could have been on that bridge.

I've been really been caught off guard by how emotional I've been since it happened. I see signs for 35W and I want to cry. I drove over that bridge countless times -- my exit to get home was barely a mile north. Going south over the bridge gave me my favorite view of downtown. The river, the Stonearch Bridge, the Guthrie, the old mill buildings, and the skyline were just breathtaking, especially at dusk.

I'm not a native Minnesotan, but I've called the Twin Cities home for almost 6 years. I keep thinking, "I can't believe this happened in MY city." I can't believe we're getting this international attention. I feel like it's bonded me to my friends here and to this place, and now that I'm thinking about leaving for a few months, it makes me kind of sad. Who knows how I'll feel once the shock and awe wears off, but it's how I'm feeling now.

I haven't cried about it yet, but I've come close several times. I really want to see the wreckage for myself. The pictures and videos are not enough; I know it happened, but I need to see it in person. I think that will be the moment of release.

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