May 05, 2009


After having a domain name registered for a whole year (hey, at least another Andrea Cole couldn't take it), I finally published my photography website. Now I feel legit! Is it wrong to get validation from the internet?

Anyway, since there's a link to this blog right on the site, I figure I should update more often, right? Maybe after this week, anyway -- it's finals week at MCTC and I have mucho projects to wrap up and hand in. Then a Photojournalism class this summer, which I've been looking forward to with possibly too much enthusiasm. We'll learn if I have what it takes to be a photojournalist (I think I do, and I certainly have a passion for it -- I just need more experience).

Here's a couple photos from this past weekend's MayDay Parade and Festival -- the best festival there is around these parts...

St. Paul Art Crawl

A couple weekends ago, Tim and I opened up our apartment/studio to be part of the St. Paul Art Crawl, a twice-yearly event where artists all over downtown St. Paul invite the public into their studios to see their work. We also had a housewarming party on the first night, since we knew the place would be clean and stuff. Overall, it was an exhausting weekend, but we got some nice feedback on our work, and we know what to do differently for the next Crawl.

Here are some pictures of our loft, all gussied up for people:

March 29, 2009

March Madness

I'm not talking basketball, people. I'm talking about having too many things on one's plate. As my friend Jeff would say, "You better start eating," and I am reaching the point of explosion. Hopefully, things will slow down a little. Then I can get organized, mentally and physically, and pick back up on my blog-writing. I need to get my photography website up and running. I need to seek photography work for the summer. I need to stock up on this delicious chamomile-and-lavender tea I bought to help soothe my anxious stomach. Seriously, it's so good.

You may have noticed that I changed the title of the blog, and I lost the soundtrack format of the post headings. It was fun while it lasted, but I'm not one to shy away from change. I want to link to this blog from my website, and when it comes to consistency of branding, I'm kind of obsessive. The fact that I can't change the font to Helvetica Neue Ultralight is actually driving me crazy, but hey. It's a free blog. You've gotta let go of some things.

I took my little friend Addie's one-year pictures today, testing the afternoon light in our new live/work studio (of course, all the furniture had to be moved, but we'll figure out how to put everything on wheels). I love looking at the previous photo sessions and seeing how much she's grown, and how so darn cute she still is. Here's a couple of my favorites:

January 09, 2009

Track 46: Recent Photographs

Okay, there have been MANY photographs since my last post, but here are a few of my recent favorites. I've discovered that my grandparents are very good subjects: