September 28, 2007

Track 6: Good-bye, Habitat!

Tomorrow is my last day at Habitat. It's kind of been my home since I moved to MN, so leaving is pretty hard. There are definitely parts of the job that I am glad to be done with (so long, cubicle!), but I'm still attached to the place. I will miss it, and I will miss the people who have been my family for over five years.

Next up: a week of paring down, packing, panicking. Can't I just skip that part -- wiggle my nose, Bewitched-style -- and wake up in California?

September 06, 2007

Track 5: Going to California

(A Led Zeppelin cover)

Yes, it's true! In reference to my last post (the eating, drinking, and sleeping thing), I am giving up my job as a nonprofit desk jockey to live and volunteer for a few months at a farm in northern California. T-minus 31 days until the adventure begins...