October 05, 2008

Track 45: Blog? What blog?

It has come to my attention that I haven't posted anything here in a long time. C'mon! It was July! That was, like, yesterday!

I fear I never have anything interesting to say unless I'm on some great adventure. But I guess life is an adventure, isn't it? And love, as I'm learning. To say love is an adventure is an understatement.

So, should I write about life and love? Hasn't that been done a thousand times, and a million bad ways? Am I even qualified? Well, I'm living and I'm in love, but that doesn't mean that people are interested in reading about it.

So, I'll keep the mushy stuff out of here for now. Instead, I issue a challenge: what are some interesting/fun/wacky/clever ways to photograph vintage aprons? I have an accessories assignment for my fashion photography class. Please post your suggestions...