December 16, 2007

Track 26: Good Things

I'm sure no one is reading this anymore (except maybe Abby, my self-proclaimed internet stalker), but in case anyone is, I thought I'd post an update on some happenings.

1. I'm going back to school, much like Rodney Dangerfield -- except he gets no respect, and I like to think that I've gained a little throughout the years. Anyway, in January I'll be starting classes in the Photography and Digital Imaging Program at Minneapolis Community and Technical College. Woo! I'm super-pumped!

2. I've relocated from my temporary digs in St. Paul to a house in south Minneapolis, where I'm actually paying rent, but I have my own bathroom. Unpacking my stuff after not seeing it for a few months was actually pretty fun. It was like, "Hey! I forgot about that sweater/Buddha statue/purse! It's really cool!"

3. I'm in the interview process for an internship at the MN Center for Photography, which would be an awesome way to get my foot into the door of the photo community of the Twin Cities. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

4. Starting this week, I am focusing full time on getting a job. Now that I'm signed up for school, and I'm settled in my new place, I need to find something part-time and flexible, hopefully in my neighborhood, that will pay the bills and not get in the way of school/internship/possible job assisting a local architectural photographer (I'm working on that). I don't think I'll truly sleep well until I know I've got money coming in the door.

I laughed this morning when the guy on the radio said, "Things are warming up nicely today, with temperatures right now in the 20's." Because yes, temperatures in the 20's are actually quite comfortable compared to the recent highs in the teens. Tomorrow is supposed to reach into the low 30's! Break out the flip-flops, I'm going to sunbathe by the (frozen) lake!


Unknown said...

I can't believe I was mentioned in your blog! I'm so honored. And though I've gone several days without checking your blog, I clicked on it tonight and you had a new entry from today. It made my night! And even though we now live in the same town I still learned some new info about you and your goings on.
Can't wait till you next posting...

Amy said...

Umm Hi..I'm Amy and I'm a Digital Mix Tape blog addict too. Seriously Andrea I am your #2 stalker:) I was glad to see a new post! Yay for you! Sorry for all the !!!!!!

Luke says hi and sends his drooly love your way.

Talk soon and write more!

Anonymous said...

I'm not a stalker. But I found this link in my quest to get your address for my holiday newsletter. Send it to me so I can send it to you. Do it.

-jon slock