July 17, 2008

Track 43: In Praise of Naps

I love naps. I love outdoor naps, in a park, next to a series of trickling pools, on a blanket with someone to cuddle up to. And a book.

People of the world need more naps. Why can't this country adopt the practice of the siesta, where everything shuts down for a few hours in the afternoon and people have leisurely lunches with their friends and loved ones and then they all go home and take big fat naps and wake up refreshed and ready to continue their day? That's what I want. Think how productive we would be! And happy! There would be no need for undereye cream to get rid of dark circles!

I think we, the American people, should discard the idea that naps are a luxury. That they denote laziness. Naps should be a part of daily life; something as natural as breathing. Offices should have nap rooms. People should carry sleep masks in their pockets and purses, so the daylight doesn't disturb their dreaming.

Hear me now: I'm going to take more naps from now on. Preferably in a park, but I live in Minnesota. In the winter, I'll have to settle for a patch of warm sunlight streaming through a window, or a warm bed and that same someone to cuddle up to.

Naptime: Tuesday, July 8, Lowry Hill