October 09, 2007

Track 10: The Bedbug Blog

So, remember that last post, when I was enjoying my hotel room in Nebraska? Well, I sure didn't enjoy the BEDBUGS I found when I turned back the covers to get in bed. Yes, I changed rooms. No, it didn't make me feel better. I spent the rest of the night in my sleeping bag, trying to sleep but waking every time I felt like a bug was crawling on me. It was miserable, and the couple of hours of sleep I managed to get were only plagued with dreams about bugs crawling on me. I hightailed it out of there by 7:45 a.m., forgetting my pillow but then realizing that it was probably for the best.

Thinking that I may need some caffeine to get me to Denver, I went in search of coffee. Never in my life have I been so happy to see a Starbucks. Normally I scoff at their omnipresence, but this morning I praised the gods that even North Platte, Nebraska couldn't escape the corporate giant. And so, the coffee and a banana happily sloshing around in my stomach, I hit the road again.

People of Colorado, why didn't you welcome me with a nice sign like the people in the other states? Huh? You completely messed up my plans to document my way through the states. I spent a good 30 minutes thinking I was still in Nebraska! Oh, well. Maybe tomorrow I'll catch a "Thanks for visiting Colorado, come back real soon!" sign.

At 10:00 a.m., just as I was beginning to think that the whole world was flat like a proverbial pancake, I spotted the distant hazy outline of the Rockies. Aaaahhhh. That's motivation for you. It seemed like no time until I was pulling up to Angie's house just as she was getting home from class. Joyful reunion hugs! Then we had a lovely lunch, a lovely walk through a lovely park and some lovely bungalow-lined streets, and, to top it all off, an ice cream cone that was so lovely it made me temporarily forget the Nasty Bedbugs of North Platte, Nebraska. Days Inn, room 212. Don't say I didn't warn you.

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